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Stink Bug Pest Control Services

One of the services that we offer at Independent Pest Solutions is stink bug pest control. Stink bugs are especially noticeable in the autumn, when they like to come into houses to hibernate. If you suspect that you have a stink bug infestation on your hands, reach out to Independent Pest Solutions so that our expert pest control technicians can help. 

Stink bugs are fairly distinctive insects. They are triangular or shield-shaped, and about three-quarters of an inch long. They are almost as wide as they are long. Their legs stick out from their sides, which make them seem even bigger. The ones that commonly are found in Washington are called brown marmorated stink bugs, and are mottled grayish brown. The edges of their backs are lined with a band of light and dark alternating stripes. Stink bugs have wings and are able to fly, which can be a little frightening. The reason why stink bugs got their name is that they can release an unpleasant odor.

Juvenile stink bugs are called nymphs, instead of the larval and pupal stages that some other types of insects have. They start out very small when they hatch out of their eggs. Nymph stink bugs are much rounder than their adult counterparts. They are usually an orange or red color with dark spots. As they become older, their colors dull to brown. During the nymph stage of their life cycle, stink bugs have red eyes. As they grow up, the nymphs will molt five times, getting larger each time. After their last molt, they are adults. 

Unfortunately, brown marmorated stink bugs are actually an invasive species, which means that they are not natively supposed to be here. They were first introduced to the American continent from Eastern Asia sometime during the mid ‘90s. Naturally, they live in a range including Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and China. By 1996, stink bugs were found in Pennsylvania. They were not officially identified until late 2001. These bugs quickly spread eastward through New Jersey and Virginia, then southward to North Carolina and beyond. They used to be mostly found in the eastern half of the country, but now have been identified in at least 44 states. They are now common along the west coast, including Washington. They are aggressive generalist herbivores and can eat a wide variety of plants and live in many different habitats. 

If you think that you have been seeing more stink bugs now that summer is over, it’s not just your imagination. Although stink bugs will live outside in the warmer months, once it gets cold they seek warmer areas. Because they are from Asia, they dislike cold more than bugs native to Washington do. They may decide that your home or building is an ideal place to hole up for the winter. When they find a nice place to rest, they can actually secrete a pheromone that alerts other members of their species so that they can also come there. 

After finding a place that meets their preferred conditions (warm, safe, secluded, dark, and humid), the stink bug will enter a hibernation state known as torpor. They will crawl into cracks in walls and floorboards, or under furniture to hunker down. When a stink bug is in torpor, it isn’t able to reproduce, eat, or move very much. This means that they are left completely vulnerable to predators, so it’s important that they find a safe place to hibernate. 

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Because stink bugs usually hide well when they are hibernating, you might not even notice that they are there the whole winter. However, if there are many stink bugs in your home then there may be competition for the best hiding spots. Additionally, stink bugs have the tendency to congregate together when it’s cold outside. You could end up with hundreds of stink bugs crawling on your walls, something that nobody wants. 

Stink bugs especially like to group together in homes with eastern exposure, which get the most sunlight and are often warmer. They also like to stay on walls with sunny or reflective surfaces that may be warmer. They usually don’t travel long distances to find shelter for the winter. If you have a lot of plants or fruit trees in your yard that the stink bugs used as a food source during the summer, then you are more likely to see them in your house once autumn comes. 

The good news is that although stink bugs can be scary and unpleasant, they are not dangerous whatsoever. They aren’t known to attack, sting, or bite humans, or even act aggressive when they feel threatened. The only defense mechanism that a stink bug possesses is the smell that they are named after. If a stink bug is squished or threatened, they secrete from their specialized gland a yellowish liquid that smells terrible. The odorous liquid isn’t dangerous (unless you are allergic to it and touch it), but it’s certainly unpleasant. If a bunch of congregated stink bugs all release the liquid at once, the smell is very strong. It has been described as smelling like rotting vegetables. 

Stink bugs gain access to homes through cracks and gaps in the building, or through open doors or windows. Their flat shape makes it easy for them to squeeze through tight spaces. To try and prevent them from entering your home, look out for gaps around your windows, weatherstripping, and doors. They may also come through holes into your attic or basement and take up residence there. Adding fine mesh to any holes and repairing cracks and gaps can keep them from coming into buildings. It’s also smart to patch up damage to baseboards and drywall so stink bugs and other pests can’t crawl into them. 

If you can stand having a couple individual stink bugs in your home, then it doesn’t hurt to just leave them alone or remove them. You can vacuum them up or pick them up and put them outside or throw them away; just make sure not to crush them or you’ll have a smelly problem on your hands. However, if you are seeing many stink bugs or congregations of them, you may want to enlist the help of a pest control company to get rid of them. 

If you are looking for pest control this autumn, whether it be stink bug control, rodent pest control services, or something else, you can rely on Independent Pest Solutions. With our years of experience, we have seen it all. No matter what pest problem you’re facing, when you give us a call we can help you resolve it as quickly and conveniently as possible.

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