Professional Termite Control And Treatment From A Company With The Expertise

The What And How Of Termites
Termites are unique in that they actually break down the cellulose in wood and digest it into sustenance. Unlike carpenter ants and moisture ants who also burrow through wood to make their galleries, termites actually consume it. Interestingly enough they are not born with the ability to do so. Adult termites have protozoa in the gut that allows them to break down the cellulose in the wood they eat into materials that can be digested.

Identifying Termite
Types Of Termites

Dampwood termites are like moisture ants whose jaws are not equipped to attack sound wood and need moisture compromised materials to begin the infestation at all.
This brings about the need for a professional like the Independent Pest Solutions technicians, with the knowledge and experience to properly identify the pest and subsequently prescribe the appropriate treatment plan.
Prompt Identification From Trained Professionals
A Comprehensive Way Of Dealing With Termites
Call And Ask For A Free Inspection If You Notice:
Dead termites
Termite wings
Sagging floor boards
Sagging window sills
Insect mud tunnels or tubes
Termite FAQs
How can I tell if I’m looking at a termite or an ant?
Can bed bugs jump or fly?
No. Unlike their bloodsucking partner in crime, they do not have wings to fly like mosquitoes, or the incredible jumping capacity of fleas. They are bound by gravity and crawling as a means to reach their host.
I see big termites flying all over the place in the late summer, how is it that they aren’t eating every home in the area?
The larger termites you see flying around are actually swarmers, the newly emerging kings and queens. The larger ones are Pacific Dampwood termites. They are not physically equipped to attack sound wood. The Pacific Dampwood requires moisture-compromised wood to infest. When they do infest a home it is because there is a moisture problem present that needs to be dealt with. That problem can be as simple as improperly installed flashing, which is allowing a leak to rot the wood.
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Ste B Puyallup, WA 98374