The Rodent Expertise You Need

There are many types of rodents local to the Pacific Northwest. They can be highly destructive, and any of them are invasive species not native to the area. Roof rats, Norway rats, and house mice are all species that came to America on ships with the Europeans. They spread like wildfire throughout the continent, and now are common pests in the Pacific Northwest. Rodents are opportunistic creatures, eating whatever they can get their paws on and taking up residence anywhere that they can squeeze into. This means that they frequently are in close proximity to humans, taking advantage of the food and shelter that humans have. Rodents are not harmless pests; they can spread dangerous diseases, cause massive property damage, and contaminate food sources.

Identifying Rodents
Rodents by nature are scavengers. They can and will invade and infest any available space in which they can find harborage and food. According to the Center for Disease Control there are 15 diseases spread indirectly by rodents and 11 that are directly transmitted by rodents through physical contact with them, their feces or any other bodily fluid.
Rodents such as rats and mice thrive in the mild climate of the area, and have lots of sources of shelter and food in the local environment.
What Kind Of Damage Can Rodents Cause?
Aside from the obvious health threat that rats & mice pose to people, there is also property damage. Damage in the form of both destruction and contamination. They chew through pipes and wiring, not only in homes but also in vehicles.
They gnaw on wood and plastic, infest and contaminate subfloor insulation and vapor barrier under homes, as well as tunneling through the warmth of your attic space. If you think about the possible contamination rodents could do to your food stuffs in the pantry, imagine the cost of their contamination at harvesting, processing, and storing facilities before it even gets to your door.

This subject deserves a book all to itself but we will focus on the two primary ones.
When it comes to rodent control, Independent Pest Solutions can quickly determine what type of rat or mouse we are dealing with. Our team of pest control specialists can then implement a plan that will identify the specific type of rodent that is on your property. In most cases, exclusion methods will be used to keep the rodents out of your residential or commercial building, in combination with extermination methods. Don’t wait to reach out to us- because rodents reproduce so fast, their population can boom and spiral out of control. For effective pest control, call Independent Pest Solutions today.
Improving Your Home’s Safety.
Your Rodent Control Specialists Remove The Following:
House mouse
Norway rats
Squirrels and more
Deer mice
Field mice
Roof rats
Pack rats
Locating Rats And Mice Wherever They Are.
Rodent Control FAQs
Do I really need to make a choice between my bird feeder and feeding squirrels or having rats run around my backyard?
Bird feeders are a rat magnet. They are a rodent billboard sign advertising a steady supply of free food outside. Feeding large dogs outside is also an attractant but the dog area also is a treat. Birds that utilize a bird feeder are no threat to the rats whatsoever.
I’m not worried about then getting under the house, can you just make sure that they cannot get into my living space?
Rats can chew through most of the materials the interior of the home is constructed from. Immense property damage can be done by them from chewing on water and electrical lines. Sealing rats out of the crawlspace and attic is the most effective course of action in dealing with rodent remediation.
I see them run along my back fence and it grosses me out. Can’t you do something to keep them off my property?
Unfortunately, mice and rats exist in nature. We can secure your home to prevent their entry but outside is another story. We cannot prevent them from coming onto your property.
We can do something to help manage the population. Rodent bait stations can be placed on-site and refilled or refreshed as part of a regular service program. These will give them something to eat while thinning their population and will take the rodent pressure off your property.
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