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Pest Control Services

Although spring and summer are certainly the seasons where pests are the most active, pests can infest your home at any time in the year. You should stay vigilant and look out for pests even in the winter. Just because there’s less visible pests outside when the weather is cold doesn’t mean that they can’t take up residence in your home. Pests are drawn to warmth in the winter, which means that they may decide that your home is the perfect place to stay. Not only does it have warmth and shelter, but there is access to food and water. 

Although it’s true that some pests hibernate, most of them don’t and are still doing their best to survive. There are many reasons why you may need pest control in the winter. As stated before, your house has all the things needed so that pests such as termites, carpenter ants, cockroaches, and rodents can survive through the winter. Attics and basements are especially appealing places for pests to live. Independent Pest Solutions is experienced in dealing with a wide variety of pests that can be found in the Pacific Northwest. We can help keep your home pest-free this winter, and prevent them from invading your property in the warmer months. Certain types of pests are more likely to come into your home during the winter. 

Rodents on your property are a nuisance that shouldn’t be ignored. Mice and rats are the most common types of rodent pests found in the area. Rodents can squeeze through tiny holes, and are determined to get into your house any way they can. Rodents can cause property damage by chewing on furniture and wires. They also contaminate any food they touch, and can spread diseases. They leave their waste everywhere, and after a rodent infestation your house will need a deep cleaning. Thankfully, one of the services we offer at Independent Pest Solutions is attic and crawlspace clean outs. After we get rid of the pests, we will make your home look good as new. 

The best thing you can do to keep mice out of your home is to make sure that they don’t have access to any food sources. This means that you should make sure that mice can’t get into birdseed, food in your pantry, or your trash cans. Mice are opportunistic creatures that will eat pretty much anything they can get their paws on. If you keep your indoor spaces clean and make sure there aren’t crumbs or debris lying around, this can help keep mice at bay. Another important step to take is to seal off any potential entry points, such as holes, gaps, and cracks. 

Rats are another rodent that people may deal with during the winter. They are larger, stronger, and smarter than mice, and can be more difficult to get rid of. Obstacles that would be strong enough to keep mice out might not be enough to stop rats. Make sure that all of the grains, pet food, and any other food in your pantry are sealed properly so that rodents cannot gain access to them. Rats are also capable of squeezing through tiny gaps to get into your home. Look out for signs of rodents this winter such as chew marks, droppings, nesting materials, and scurrying sounds. Rats and mice problems need to be taken care of as fast as possible, before they get out of control. 

Pest control in the Pacific Northwest

Pest control for winter infestations

Another type of pest that may cause problems during the winter is ants. Although many ants will go dormant in cold weather, there are some types of ants that stay active, provided they have a warm environment (AKA, your house). Usually during the winter, ants go into a state called diapause, a type of dormancy where their metabolism slows down. If there’s a satellite colony in your home, they will stay warm and so will not be triggered to enter diapause. They will continue to forage in your home, looking for crumbs and moisture to sustain the colony. Carpenter ants can stay active if they are inside your home, continuing to tunnel through wood structures in t he buildings to create galleries. Watch out for ant activity in your home, even though it’s winter. 

Bedbugs are another type of pest that can stay active during the cold months as long as they’re indoors. Bedbugs usually live in the cracks of mattresses and furniture, coming out at night to feed on the blood of humans. They are very hardy, and can quickly reproduce to take over a house. Many behaviors that humans engage in during the winter, such as staying inside, turning the thermostat up, and piling blankets on their beds, are all very inviting to bed bugs. It’s a smart idea to take measures to make sure that they don’t decide to move in. One thing you could do is spray items such as coats and winter bedding with essential oils to keep bed bugs at bay. You may also want to consider getting a protective bed-bug-proof mattress bag. If you notice any signs of bed bugs, do not hesitate to call Independent Pest Solutions as soon as possible. 

Cockroaches can stay active all year long, and are not a type of pest that you want in your house. These pesky critters can scurry lightning fast, and with their flat bodies they are adept at squeezing into tight spaces to hide. Cockroaches also breed quickly and lay eggs every month, which can quickly cause a full-blown infestation. Not only that, but cockroaches are resistant to many types of pesticides that work on other bugs. Cockroaches aren’t just gross to be around; they can contaminate food and any surfaces they touch with dangerous diseases such as salmonella and E. coli. A cockroach infestation can even trigger a person’s allergies and asthma. Seeing any cockroach in your home is a problem that should never be ignored.

If you notice any signs of pest infestation, get in touch with Independent Pest Solutions as soon as possible. Our winter pest control services will help you keep your home a cozy place of comfort. We offer pest control year-round, helping with eliminating current infestations and preventing future ones. Don’t let pests ruin your winter season- trust our pest control technicians at Independent Pest Solutions to handle the problem! 

Rodent control in winter

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