STink bug exterminator puyallup wa
Have you noticed strange, shield-shaped bugs in your home this winter? It’s possible that they could be stink bugs. Stink bugs have some distinguishing features. They are usually gray or brown, with dark and light stripes around the edges of their carapace. Despite their appearance, stink bugs are not a type of beetle or weevil. They are around three-quarters of an inch long (nearly two centimeters) in adulthood, and smaller as juveniles. Stink bugs do not have a larval or pupal stage, but instead begin their life as nymphs. They molt five times, becoming bigger each time. Because they are insects, they have six legs and antennae. Adult individuals also have wings and are able to fly. Their wings fold onto their backs when not in use.
The native range of the brown marmorated stink bug is in East Asia, including Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and China. They are invasive pests that are not naturally meant to be in America. Stink bugs are relatively new to this country, having first been collected in Philadelphia back in 1996. They quickly spread throughout the continent, and now they have been identified in 44 states. They were first found in Washington state in 2010. Since then, they have propagated and spread throughout the state. You have probably seen some around.
Stink bugs got their name from the unpleasant odor they produce when they are threatened or squished. The smell is a defense mechanism against predators, and they produce it from a gland on their abdomens. It may drip out, or even spray from their bodies. The smell has been compared to spices such as cilantro, and may stay in the air for several hours. It’s important not to crush stink bugs when you find them, because they will release that odor.
Stink bugs are not dangerous to humans in the way that some other pests are; they do not spread diseases or damage structures. They also don’t bite people, and they do not feed on blood like bed bugs and mosquitoes. However, that does not mean that they don’t cause any harm. Stink bugs use their mouthparts to pierce plants and drink their fluids. They can damage ornamental plants, gardens, trees, and agricultural crops. Because they don’t have any natural predators here, there’s nothing stopping infestations from getting out of control. Aside from destroying plants, they are also a nuisance to have around. You don’t want to share your living space with giant, smelly bugs.
Speaking of which, you may be wondering why you keep finding stink bugs in your home. The answer to that is that marmorated stink bugs go into a hibernation state in the winter. They find a warm, safe place to hide such as attics, basements, storage areas, and on sunny sides of houses. They then enter diapause, where they do not breed or eat, until springtime comes. Stink bugs release pheromones that attract other stink bugs to the area. As you can imagine, this can quickly become an infestation. Because they don’t move around much, it’s usually pretty easy to tell if your house is infested with stink bugs. Now that winter is coming to an end, they will be more active and you may see them in your yard.

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The way that stink bugs gain access to buildings is by squeezing through gaps and cracks, such as around window and door frames, through skylights, and more. Their flat bodies are well-adapted to squeezing through tight spaces, just like other types of pests, such as cockroaches, rats, and mice. If you leave windows or doors open, sneaking in is even easier.
Thankfully, there are some steps that homeowners can take to prevent a stink bug infestation. First of all, check all over your home for potential entry points, especially by windows, doors, siding, holes for pipes, and weatherstripping. You should seal up these cracks and gaps with strong caulk, or fine mesh. Patch up damaged baseboards and drywall to keep pests away. Replace any screens that are torn or coming off their frames. Lastly, keep in mind that stink bugs are attracted to light. You may want to consider switching your exterior lights to sodium-vapor lights or yellow bulbs.
The important thing is not to panic if you find a stink bug in your house. Remember that they are not dangerous. If you see one or two stink bugs in your home, you may not have an infestation. It’s easy to catch them when they are hibernating, because they barely move. Remove them from your home, being careful not to squish them or they will release their unpleasant smell. You can use a vacuum cleaner to easily suck up both dead and live insects. Make sure to throw away the vacuum bag to avoid stink bug odor. If you don’t want to get out the vacuum, you could also just pick up the bugs and put them outside. Do not kill them inside your house, again, the smell!
However, if you are seeing lots of stink bugs or whole groups of them in your house, you should reach out to a pest control company to handle the problem. Stink bugs are great at hiding, so even if you think you’ve gotten rid of the infestation, many of them could still be lurking in the rooms of your house. If you notice that the stink bugs are congregating in particular rooms, it’s smart to isolate those rooms to prevent the bugs from spreading. Our licensed pest control professionals at Independent Pest Solutions can come to assess the situation and determine the extent of the problem. We will determine a course of action to best get rid of the stink bugs. It’s a bad idea to try and handle a stink bug infestation on your own, because you don’t want your home to smell terrible!
No matter what pest problem you are facing, Independent Pest Solutions has the experience needed to handle it. People deserve to be comfortable in their own homes, and we help make that possible by getting rid of pests. Reach out to us, and we will quickly resolve your pest problem.