Complete And Affordable Flea Control Methods

Why “Flea Bombs” Don’t Work.

Pest Technicians Eliminate The Population Completely.
Anyone who has had pets (or strays frequenting their yard) has probably dealt with fleas at one point or another. Fleas are in fact blood feeding parasite and while fairly open minded about what species the host mammal is they do have a preference for those with hair, the longer the better.

The challenge with dealing with fleas is their life cycle consists four phases, two of which are fairly protected.
The Flea Lifecycle
After a blood meal the adult female will lay her eggs in a crack or crevice or underneath furniture in a relatively protected location. After hatching the larval stage will mill around eating any organic matter it can find, skin flakes, fecal dropping from other adult fleas, etc. During this time there is a juvenile growth hormone that slowly depletes from their system until it reaches a level that tells the larva to pupate into an adult (this is important in treatment). While they are in the pupal stage inside their “cocoon” developing into mature adults capable of blood feeding and reproduction, they are again fairly protected from exposure to treatments.
After development is complete they are triggered to emerge based on one or more of three primary stimuli, heat, vibration and carbon dioxide. All of which are indicators that there is a warm blooded host present.
Local Professionals Dedicated To Your Needs
Integrated Pest Management That Breaks The Flea Lifecycle:
Adult fleas
Flea FAQs
Why do fleas keep coming back no matter how often I use the bug fogger?
That fogger is wiping out the adults and giving you some instant relief but it is not affecting anything in the egg or pupal stages. The fleas are not really “coming back”, it’s just that the earlier stages are developing into adults and continuing the process of infestation.
If nobody enters the place for a while they’ll just die off, right?
Depending on how long people stayed away there can literally be nothing but the pupal stage present waiting to emerge as adults. This is the case with the vacant apartment nobody has been in for a month and upon entry to show it or for maintenance, the fleas are popping like popcorn throughout the unit.
Is getting my pet treated enough to wipe out the problem?
While having your pet treated is essential in wiping out the problem, that alone will not do it. Fleas are just as happy to feed on human beings, other pets, or even commensal rodents. Taking one tray off the buffet table won’t starve the guests.
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