Bedbug Treatment
Think you might have bed bugs? Get assured elimination from Independent Pest Solutions, LLC.
Assured Bed Bug Control By A Local Professional

Affordable Solutions For This “Hard To Kill” Bug
Since the year 2000, bed bugs have been rapidly increasing throughout the USA. They are hardy creatures that can survive the most inhospitable of environments. With our team, you’ll get environmentally friendly methods of bed bug eradication at an affordable price.
Each exterminator at Independent Pest Control takes a thorough look at your situation & performs all necessary practices to get
rid of your problem.

Identifying Bed Bugs
Positive identification of bed bugs can only be done by locating a sample, whether by customer capture or technician inspection. While many of the symptoms of a bed bug issue can be unrelated or the result of other arthropod culprits there are a few things you can look for or do to help point you in the right direction.
What To Look For
If you moisten and attempt to smear the spot it will tell you if it is blood or spider feces. Blood will smear while spider feces crumbles.

While removing the existing bedding, look out for any culprits and capture them for positive identification by a professional.
Do not start disposing of your bedding, bed or other potentially infested articles unless told to do so, and even then make sure that they are appropriately marked or disposed in a manner that will not pass your problem off to someone else (i.e. putting the box spring on the curb marked FREE). Aside from the moral issue of giving a bed bug infestation to another person you risk spreading the problem to potentially un-infested areas of your own home while transporting the materials through the house to get them outside or to the laundry.
If you’ve passed this piece of the litmus test it’s pretty certain that you do in fact have a bed bug issue and should reach out to a professional for inspection and treatment. When considering that one adult female can lay one to 5 eggs a day and up to 500 in a lifetime, the choice to involve a professional is clear when you know you have a bed bug issue.
Think you might have bed bugs? Get assured elimination from Independent Pest Solutions, LLC.
Get A Free No Obligation Inspection
It’s nice to just know. With a Free no obligation inspection, you will know if you have bed bugs. If you don’t – great! If you do, you’ll have the option of utilizing our team to help you rid this pesky problem for good.
Licensed, Bonded, And Insured Technicians Offering:
Free thorough, in-home inspections
Environmentally friendly control methods
Integrated pest management – keeping them away for good
Bedbug FAQs.
Can doctors identify bed bug bites?
If a doctor has ever “identified” bed bug bites on you or a loved one, s/he is likely just speculating. It is not scientifically possible to distinguish between bites from different insects. Not to mention, everyone reacts differently.
Can bed bugs jump or fly?
No. Unlike their bloodsucking partner in crime, they do not have wings to fly like mosquitoes, or the incredible jumping capacity of fleas. They are bound by gravity and crawling as a means to reach their host.
Are bed bugs in certain states or mainly in metropolitan areas?
No. They are reported throughout all 50 states and due to their natural ability to easily spread they are not limited to metropolitan areas. You could get bedbugs from any of the following:
People visiting family members for the holidays or any reason really.
Picking up second-hand furniture from GoodWill or craigslist.
Even staying in hotels regardless of how upscale it is.
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