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Rat Pest Control Services

Rat Pest Control Services

Rat Pest Control Services As temperatures drop and winter approaches, creatures of all sorts have to figure out how to stay warm. This includes rats, which have to find ways to stay warm and survive the harsh cold. Rats are mammals, which means that they need to stay...
Stink Bug Pest Control Services

Stink Bug Pest Control Services

Stink Bug Pest Control Services One of the services that we offer at Independent Pest Solutions is stink bug pest control. Stink bugs are especially noticeable in the autumn, when they like to come into houses to hibernate. If you suspect that you have a stink bug...
Yellow Jacket Pest Control Services

Yellow Jacket Pest Control Services

Yellow Jacket Pest Control Services At Independent Pest Control, we offer a variety of pest control services. One of the services that we offer is wasp pest control. Autumn officially begins on September 22nd, and we are already beginning to see the leaves change...
Carpenter Ant Pest Control Services

Carpenter Ant Pest Control Services

Carpenter Ant Exterminators in Puyallup, WA. One of the services that we offer at Independent Pest Solutions is carpenter ant control services. Our expert pest control technicians know how to deal with carpenter ants and similar pests. We bring our experience to every...