Comprehensively Eliminating All Household Ants

Where Do The Ants Come From?
Odorous household ants, often referred to as sugar ants, are extremely common here in the pacific northwest. They normally nest around the root bases of plants, and since we all love to have plants around the exterior of our home, whether little flowers or large shrubs, they are usually living and thriving inches away from our living space. It could have been spring rains that flooded them out causing them to run for high ground and move into the wall voids of our homes.
Perhaps you destroyed their environment by replacing your foliage, or they are just outgrowing their current home and happened upon the outside wall of your home. However it occurred, once they have found your wall voids and come to the conclusion that this location is ideal, they will not want to leave.

How Do I Know I Have Household Ants And What Do I Do?
If you are unsure if you have them, leave a pop can on the counter and check back in an hour, you’ll know for sure then. This brings us to the what not to do portion. Do not grab a can of raid and hose them down. For the sake of self-preservation only about 10% of the colony will be exposed at a given time so for every one that you killed nine more now know better.
However, that is only the beginning of the fallout from the attack. These ants are polygenic, they have multiple queens within the colony, so now that they know they are under attack each queen will grab her portion of the colony and run a different direction.

Your problem in the kitchen just spread to both bathrooms, the living room and one bedroom.
Independent Pest Solutions technicians have access to treatments that are residual, non-repellent and have a delayed action, which means they will be able to track back and forth through it and spread it around before it starts to wipe them out so they cannot escape. When dealing with these it’s better to start with professional help than to make your problem worse.
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Household Ant FAQs.
We’ve had sugar ants for years on and off again. Where do they keep coming from?
In most cases, these sugar ants are actually odorous house ants and they don’t go away and come back. Over-the-counter treatments end up causing their primary nest to fragment into multiple smaller nests that scatter and later build in population until it appears that a new problem has emerged in a new place. In reality, it was the original problem that never went away.
If this is the challenge with the over the counter treatments how does your treatment work to get rid of it?
Our primary treatment is a delayed-effect non-repellent. The way this works is that they track back and forth through it without realizing it and drag it into the nest getting it spread around.
Since only a portion of the nest if exposed for foraging at any given time this allows for a greater portion of the colony to be exposed to it before it takes effect and they fragment to try to get away from what is killing the nest.
Since only a portion of the nest if exposed for foraging at any given time this allows for a greater portion of the colony to be exposed to it before it takes effect and they fragment to try to get away from what is killing the nest.
How do I prevent this from coming back later?
Aside from keeping plants trimmed back from the house, the best defense for these ants is the regular application of a repellent on the exterior of the home. This prevents their intrusion.
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