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A Cockroach Management Plan That Works

Cockroach Control

Health Issues And Cockroaches.

Roaches are suspect in disease transmission for a variety of food borne illnesses but are most often the culprits in transmitting Salmonella. Due to their indiscriminate palate causing them to eat anything and their disease transference through saliva, fecal dropping and glandular secretions, they are a health hazard to say the least. This of course is before going into the fact that their shed exoskeletons and fecal droppings are known to aggravate asthma. Sanitation is the key to eradication across the board. An Independent Pest Solutions technician can come in and look at the situation, size up any overlooked sanitation concerns, and put together a treatment plan to get rid of the roaches and keep them away.
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Why Are Cockroaches So Hard To Get Rid Of?

German cockroaches are the ones most common in the Pacific Northwest and are the epitome of survival and biological potential. Not only do they have the ability to survive a week with their head (finally dying of thirst since they could not locate and ingest water) but each adult female can produce 4 to 8 egg cases in her lifetime each with 30 – 48 eggs.
That is a range of 120 – 384 offspring per adult female cockroach! Couple that with their deterrence from light, ability to sense air movement from across a room and their ability to live of just about any organic matter (yes the sludge on the inside walls of your sink drain will be enough), and they are a force to be reckoned with.
Cockroach Management
A Roach
Independent Pest Solutions Cockroach

Thankfully most of the situations Independent Pest Solutions contend with are in fact brought into the home rather than wandering in from outside like ants or rodents.

However, it makes it no less a challenge to be rid of it. Cockroaches love nothing more than to lay egg cases inside the corrugation of cardboard boxes. Without proper sanitation and good housekeeping habits an infestations cannot be eliminated.

Precision Techniques That
Break The Cycle:

With cockroaches, it can seem like a never-ending battle. With our team of local professionals in your corner, it’s the beginning of the end. You’ll have integrated pest management techniques that break the roaches’ life cycle and release your home or business from their tyranny.

Get A Free Inspection Of Your Roach Problem:

American cockroach

German cockroach

Brown-banded cockroach

Oriental cockroach


Cockroach FAQs.

Are cockroaches that big a deal?
Yes! They are a health hazard. Cockroaches can cause issues such as food borne illnesses to respiratory problems like asthma. Did you know they can live for a week without a head!!
As long as someone is spraying they will eventually go away right?
Cockroach control is a team effort. Sanitation actually plays more of a role in their control than insecticidal treatments. Good sanitation combined with eliminating completing food sources is enough to stress them to the brink of death. Add insecticide treatment and a baiting program and the problem is gone. However, without customer cooperation in daily activities, no amount of pest servicing will eliminate the problem.
I only see one or two a day, how many could there be?

Given the option, you would never see cockroaches. They prefer nocturnal settings, being compressed into tight spaces, and are very sensitive to light and movement. If you are seeing them during the day, that likely means because there are so many, they are out of hiding places.

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14611 Meridian East
Ste B Puyallup, WA 98374