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Home 9 Carpenter Ant Extermination

Do Ants Seem To Keep Coming No Matter What You Try?

Household Ant

Indicators Of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are a wood destroying organism but contrary to popular belief they do not actually consume the wood material, they simply burrow through it. This actually helps in noticing and identifying a problem since they push all the saw dust, fecal pellets and dead insects out of the galleries that they create to live in. Though they do not require moisture compromised wood to infest like damp wood termites and moisture ants do, it really makes their job easier and is a conducive condition that is appealing to them and will invite the problem more often than not. Aside from the saw dust material being an indicator, there are always the swarmers (ants with wings).
ant icon

Exterminating And Fixing Damage From Carpenter Ants

While some of these conditions may not be feasible or cost effective to remediate. Care should be taken to monitor these areas for activity before the problem has a chance to establish and spread. If you see evidence of or an actual infestation it is best to contact a pest control professional for proper treatment before they have a chance to spread or physically damage the structure of your home.

What Is Swarming?

What Is Swarming?
Swarming occurs when the colony is of sufficient size and weather conditions are favorable to their creating reproductive (kings and queens). These reproductives have wings and will go into a mating flight before running off to wherever the wind will carry them to try to start a colony of their own.
Ants Eggs
Ant On Ground
Ant Carrying Eggs

Swarming generally happens in late May and early June, but really can happen at any time the proper conditions are met.

This is especially true of colonies that are infesting a structure and are given temperature controlled environments in which to grow, without the hindrance of seasonal weather affecting their activity. They are generally attracted to soil contact or submerged wood. Most often wooden landscape edging, stumps or even old trees, wood fences and siding, etc. Anywhere that wood meets earth or ideally is buried partially or entirely within it is perfect for them.

Integrated Pest Management Keeps Them Gone.

It’s the secret of a responsible pest professional. You’ll have advanced methods and environmentally friendly techniques on your side. We’ll break the ant’s life cycle and keep them under control for the future.

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Carpenter Ant FAQs

How much wood do carpenter ants eat?
Actually, the answer is none. Carpenter ants do not consume the wood, they simply tunnel through it. This is helpful in being able to discover a problem before it gets too far along since they push that “sawdust” out of the galleries they create along with waste and other materials.
What can I do to help deter them from my property?
Elimination of any wood soil contact goes a long way in regards to prevention. Railroad ties being used as retaining walls or landscaping barriers are a huge red flag. Carpenter ants seem to love them.
Keeping grass, beauty bark and soil down away from the siding or fence line will prevent moisture from building up in these materials which makes them appealing for carpenter ant infestation. They can and will attack sound wood but moist wood is easier to chew into so they will go for that first.
I’ve seen some with wings, do they fly?

Wings are another big red flag. The workers do not have wings and do not fly. However, reproductive castes do. If you are seeing a few carpenter ants with wings, they may be swarmers looking for somewhere to start a nest. If you are seeing a lot of them you have a large, mature nest nearby that is producing them. Either way that is a sign to call for help sooner than later.

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