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Home 9 Carpet Beetle Extermination

Pest Removal Service & Techniques That You Can Trust.

Carpet Beetle Control

Carpet Beetle Removal Techniques.

Boric acid is the most common treatment for carpet beetle infestations, and it is usually fairly effective. However, misapplied boric acid can damage property and can even be harmful to humans and house animals, which is why many homeowners choose to have a professional perform the treatment. Not only are they highly trained in properly handling boric acid and other treatments, they are also better equipped to deal with the pests as effectively and efficiently as possible.

How And Where Carpet Beetle Infestations Occur

Adult carpet beetles are pollinators, spending their days outside going from flower to flower. Unfortunately, before they get to that stage, carpet beetle larvae can be a destructive force inside your home.
Carpet beetles usually end up indoors because they are attracted to plants around the exterior of your house. They can end up stumbling through an open window or get carried in on flower petals, and if they are indoors when they decide to lay their eggs, you’ll have a carpet beetle infestation on your hands. Because adult carpet beetles can fly, the infestation can even spread from room to room, making the problem that much worse
While adult carpet beetles are relatively harmless pollinators, larval carpet beetles can cause serious problems. Insect larvae need to feed to grow, and carpet beetle larvae consume anything organic, often resulting in serious property damage to leather products or even wool suits. They can also get into stored food and have a feast.
Carpet Beetle Spray
Carpet Beetle Cleaner
Carpet Beetle On Carpet

Carpet beetles are reclusive pests that prefer to live and feed in dark, hidden areas, which means that by the time you are aware of their presence, the infestation is probably already widespread.

It’s important that you jump on it as soon as you suspect something so it doesn’t get any worse. Signs to look for are damage to upholstery, blankets, coats, or anything else with organic fibers. Larvae also like to hang out in the bodies of dead birds or rodents, as well as clumps of hair from your dog or cat.

Highly Effective Integrated Pest Management.

With integrated pest management, you’ll have precision delivered methods that work. You can be assured that the carpet beetle’s life cycle will be stopped with environmentally friendly methods.

Service That Sets Us Apart.

You’ll have a local company that is invested in and connected directly to your community. Each technician is highly trained and understands the mission we have to ensure your satisfaction.

Complete Management And Elimination Of:

Common carpet beetles

Black carpet beetles

Varied carpet beetles

Khapra beetles


Carpet Beetle FAQs.

Where did carpet beetles come from?
The adults are pollinators and are often times either brought in on fresh flowers or by a gust of wind while flying past an open window.
What damage do they do?
The adults don’t do any damage but the larval stage will eat and destroy anything organic. Known for demolishing anything from wool suits to stored products, they can often be an indicator or another issue like a carcass in the crawl, wall or attic space that they will feed on for generations.
How can I possibly get rid of them?

Being in the field of pest control we are accustomed to finding that one spot that nobody looked and eliminating the source of the infestation. Combining that with a treatment of a residual chemical to wipe out any stragglers, our pest control technicians can usually eradicate the issue.
Eradication is possible as long as the source of the problem is able to be removed from the site. If this cannot happen due to location, there is no amount of chemicals that will wipe out the issue until the food source is consumed. At that point, the regular treatments are there to manage the population and attempt to prevent the spread.

Picking up second-hand furniture from GoodWill or craigslist.

Even staying in hotels regardless of how upscale it is.

to Cleaning and



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